"Robyn at My House Listening to Radiohead"
I hire figurative models for both drawing and photography sessions. Models of all ages (18+), sizes, ethnicities, genders will be considered. Experience isn't required, though you do need to be comfortable posing nude. For drawing sessions you need to be able to hold poses ranging in length from 5 to 20 minutes. Sessions are relaxed, poses are not overly difficult to hold. Photo sessions generally involve images that are fairly anonymous/non-identifiable, but are shot entirely on location (usually outdoors or in abandoned/empty settings), so a certain fearlessness and comfort level are important. Other artist information is here. References are available. Pay is negotiable, normally $20/hr for 2+ hours, plus digital samples of the work. Trades for artwork are also considered.
If you're interested, please fill out the form below. All fields except the "questions" are required, and the more info you provide, the better your chance of being hired.